Redtree Making Projects Coop. V. is a social cooperative active in the fields of education, training, and educational materials designed by science and for social affairs. Its aim is to help social and educational organizations to develop their framework and improve the quality of their products through training, specific development plans, social studies, grant applications, legal advising, bureaucratic procedures, etc. We want to reach better educational levels and improve the employability and inclusion of students.
We also have close relationships of cooperation and joint work with very diverse social and educational organizations, such as associations of people with special needs and their families, educational centers, foundations, etc. This joint work done over the years has led us to opening new specific work fields for students with special educational needs (SEN), mainly the design of inclusive educational projects and the creation of new materials and tools adapted to their needs.
Redtree’s projects and areas of expertise are intersectorial, since we have been working mainly in 4 educational sectors: school education, professional training, adult education, and the training of young people through non-formal and informal education. As a social cooperative we have developed very diverse functions within four educational sectors, ranging from the design of educational projects at the European level, to materials and educational tools, project quality control and monitoring, advisory and consulting functions, etc, plus the experience coordinating our own Erasmus+ projects.

Ikasia Technologies is a technology company established in 2015 as a spin-off of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), and promoted by Center of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (CBIT). It was founded with the objective of contributing to the general knowledge and collaborating with the social and technological development of our society, thus working towards a better future. Therefore, it carries out a constant process of research and development, but also promotes the inclusion of people with fewer opportunities especially VET students with obstacles- through the coordination and participation in projects of the Erasmus+ Programme. Regarding this, we have 3 main areas of work:
1.- Development of educational projects in the field of adult training: with which we seek to generate resources to promote the inclusion and employability of people with obstacles, since we consider that the technological field can provide them with good and essential opportunities for employability and inclusion.
2.- 3D-printing: Ikasia has a 3D laboratory in which we develop hybrid materials with plastic, glass or ceramic components through a 3D-additive manufacturing process patented by the entity.
3.- 3D-biotechnology: with which we create innovative 3D devices that allow to create personalized and biodegradable models for each patient. Our goal is to contribute to improving the quality of life through the creation of effective personalized treatments without adverse effects on the patient.

Greta du Velay is a public training organization that encompasses 21 adult education institutions, secondary schools, and colleges under the wing of the Ministry of Education.
Half of its activity consists of supporting small and medium-sized companies in their learning processes, and the other half in supporting the social and vocational inclusion of disadvantaged target groups, like unemployed or migrant youth through activities such as the development of key competences, transversal competences, providing support to discover and guide towards a career and employment, etc.
The entity was founded in 1975, with ISO 9001 certificate issued in 1998; it employs 4 training advisors and 40 trainers, and offers around 300.000 hours of training per year (to an average of 2000 to 2500 students).
Greta du Velay works closely with other non-profit associations and public organizations involved with young adults (like local missions, social workers, cultural centers, housing centers, and information centers for young people, women, and their families…).

Smallcodes is a company devoted to protecting and promoting linguistic diversity through technology. Its objective is to create a network among minorities to guarantee for each language a systematic and constant presence both in the written and the IT world. The languages which are currently part of the Smallcodes community are Occitan, Sardinian, Ladin, Walser, Francoprovençal, Lombard dialect of Italian Switzerland, Cimbrian, Mòcheno, Plodarisch, Oto-Manguean languages of Mexico, Romani and many others.
Smallcodes intends to close the digital gap between majority languages and regional and minority languages, and in order to achieve this goal, it produces software for lexicography, spellchecking and neology/terminology planning for lesser-used languages, plus systems for toponymy cataloging and bibliographic archiving. These five modules are, according to Smallcodes’s policy, the first step towards a modern use of languages.
The company is also involved with publishing projects (books, DVDs and e-books for minority languages), the implementation of ICT resources for school education (teaching applications and e-books, language portals) and geolinguistic projects (maps with the traditional geographic place names).

Fundación de Estudios Críticos (FEC) is a national institution with more than 15 years of experience that promotes dialogue between all areas of scientific thought and that contributes to a fairer, more supportive and egalitarian Europe through the promotion of social action, tolerance, solidarity and the defense of human rights, among others.
Some of FEC’s main objectives are: promoting the knowledge about the European reality, drafting and providing studies, information and advice, defending educational and cultural rights and promoting scientific research and technological development.
Among FEC’s activities, we have to highlight those related to the European debate, municipalism and local power, and those in the field of development cooperation, in which FEC has begun its journey by working on the training of social organizations and policies in Latin American countries, taking into account the current events of the new processes of political change that are being experienced on the continent.
Since 2013, it has participated in and coordinated European projects of the Youth in Action Programme and the Erasmus+ Programme in various areas, in non-formal and informal education, adult education and school education, for social, personal and professional inclusion.

TRANSFORM!Europe is a European network comprised of 39 European non-profit organizations, institutes, foundations and individuals from 23 countries, active in social awareness, political debate, critical scientific analysis and training in the field of education. It is also the recognized political foundation corresponding to the Party of the European Left (EL). Its work is intended to contribute to peaceful relations between people and the positive transformation of today’s world, advancing towards the equality of all people and solidarity, which are its most important values.
Transform! is committed to critical research on the European Union, and it provides spaces for the free and unbiased debate of democratic alternatives to pave the way towards a democratic and peacefully united Europe. To achieve this, it carries out multiple activities, among which we can highlight social awareness campaigns (projects to spread the values of equality, justice, tolerance, mutual respect and class solidarity).
They use many channels, like social networks, web platforms, publications, magazines and media, and the publication of traditional campaigns. The organization is also very active in adult training, since it periodically organizes training courses, debate and training seminars, educational workshops, etc.

Lesvos Solidarity is a greek NGO aimed at improving the living conditions and social inclusion of newly arrived refugees and migrants to the greek island of Lesvos.
To achieve this, the entity carries out projects and activities like the management of the “Pikpa” refugee camp or the “Mosaik” support center, which is an open educational center aimed at refugees and migrants, but also at greek citizens with training needs, thus promoting inclusion.
In 2012, at the time of the economic crisis in Greece, the solidarity network “the village of altogether” was formed. Soon after, a growing number of refugees started to arrive in the island of Lesvos. They weren’t given adequate support, and many were sleeping in streets and parks. In 2014 Pikpa camp hosted 600 refugees a day, supporting members of the local community by providing food and economic assistance.
Lesvos Solidarity’s mission is to provide community-based solidarity spaces: for shelter and support, to give dignified reception and support to people in need, including medical, psycho-social and legal support integration, promote integration by developing skills and knowledge, creating job opportunities and connecting with local society human rights, advocating for an inclusive society which respects human rights. Our vision is to inspire society and expand our model of solidarity, promoting equality, trust, justice, respect for people and for the environment, creativity, empowerment, and active participation.